Body based therapy for those who feel stuck

Begin working towards a more courageous you.

Why do I include the body in therapy?

The body can be a direct window into your experience which can provide further insight than just talking by itself. With talk therapy, I’ll hear the “story” and the “problem”. While that can be helpful on one level, the body can give us a fuller perspective into the storyteller themself.

We access the body through mindfulness exercises - like breathing, slowing down, body scans (and more). You’d be surprised by the insights, memories, beliefs and sensations a bit of guided mindfulness may surface! We always go at your pace and find mindfulness exercises that feel comfortable for you.

Once we’ve made contact with our body’s experience, we have the opportunity to heal and let go of emotions associated with painful experiences or ‘blocks’. This leaves us feeling more clear and with the ability to develop new beliefs about ourselves.

The groundwork for a new way of being is laid!

Welcome, I’m David.

I’m a therapist in California who offers a place to land and inquire about your life. People often feel comfortable connecting with me -- or even losing their cool in front of me. I'm here for it all.

I’m a Filipino American man, son of immigrants and often work with other BIPOC men. I often use a Buddhist perspective to inform my clinical view.

I see CA residents via telehealth sessions.

Land Acknowledgement: I work on the occupied land of the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples, currently known as Los Angeles. I honor their stewardship and enduring connection to this land. 

My work

I offer mindfulness-based psychotherapy and brainspotting therapy for trauma.

I’ve studied body-oriented psychotherapy for 9+ years, and I call on a lifetime of personal experience as a meditator, martial artist, and as a student of personal development.

Each offering is honed to inquire deep into our inner world and create profound change in the client’s life.

Qualifications: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #144782

  • Master’s in Counseling Psychology with Somatics Concentration from California Institute of Integral Studies

  • MBA from Golden Gate University

  • Certified Hakomi Therapist: Comprehensive Training

  • Certified Brainspotting Therapist: Level 1-3 Training

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Training

Sound familiar?

  • I’ve tried talk therapy and didn’t see results.

  • I feel stuck doing the same thing I’ve always done.

  • Life feels boring and unsatisfying.

  • I’m afraid of going after what I want.

  • I have a harsh inner critic.

  • My relationships don’t feel very connected.

  • I feel overwhelmed with life.

  • I feel lost and I don’t know who I really am.

  • I’m open to some new methods and feel ready to make a change in my life.

If so, I understand. I’ve worked with many clients who connect to these experiences. I’ve developed offerings to address these feelings.

Overcome your obstacles

Although everyone's journey is different, here are some outcomes I have seen with clients. I welcome folks at different stages, with different goals. We’ll start therapy by getting curious - what are you after, and why? Therapy will be adapted and customized to your unique needs.

Empowered decisions

Making conscious choices that align with your values, aspirations and principles starts with recognizing the agency you have over shaping your own path.

Speaking your truth

Self expression is at the heart of empowerment. If you honor your unique story and voice (even in the face of uncomfortable vulnerability feelings) your ability to genuinely connect with others will grow.

A sense of what’s “right”

Cultivating deep understanding of your personal moral compass and ethics can guide you towards a fulfilling life. It requires introspection, discernment and courage.

Being courageous

Learning to tolerate uncertainty and discomfort is critical to growth. Summoning the courage to challenge your beliefs, confront your fears and take bold action is essential to transformation.

Pursuing your passions

Many of us are disconnected from what lights us up. Often, the first step is going inward to get in touch with that sense of excitement, joy and creativity. Then, we dare to reach towards our desires.

Expressing emotions

Cultivating awareness is the first step in developing emotional intelligence. Then, we learn to release suppressed emotions that may have been stuck with us for a long time.

The body can reveal a fuller picture — more than the story we share with the world.

My offerings

Depending on what you’re looking for, I offer two unique approaches. They are all somatic (or, body-based) and also involve talking.

Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy

In mindfulness-based therapy, we slow down and study what’s happening in the moment. Images, memories and feelings might come up as we focus on sensations in the present. This is different from talk therapy! It requires more openness to experimentation. Cultivating a mindful stance brings reductions in stress and changes how you relate to suffering overall.

Mindfulness based therapy sessions are held weekly and is typically long term.

Fee: $190 for a 50-minute telehealth sessions

Brainspotting Trauma Therapy

Brainspotting is an innovative method of processing traumatic experiences. Brainspotting therapy releases trauma by bringing guided attention to specific ‘spots’ associated with the trauma, then activating our internal healing and nervous system regulation. Research shows Brainspotting therapy can reduce symptoms of PTSD. Check out this video on Brainspotting.

Brainspotting therapy sessions are held weekly and we often focus on one traumatic experience at a time.

Fee: $200 for 60 minutes, $250 for 75 minute telehealth sessions.

Not sure which offering is right for you? Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss further.

My Specialties

With each area of focus, I bring a variety of perspective and experience. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Don’t see what you’re working on here? I work beyond this scope as well. Reach out for a free consultation and we’ll explore if we’re a fit.

  • Being a man of color is hard. We can have our own unique conflicts related to family, culture, and society that can make it difficult to figure out who we really are. As a man of color, I feel suited to address these conflicts, in addition to exploring struggles related to being a minority, ideas of masculinity, and fitting in.

  • One constant in life is change. Transitions, such as a mid-life crisis, can be difficult, and it can help to process what comes up throughout the process of change. Through the process of reflection during transition, one can discover a new sense of self, one who has navigated a difficult transition and come out the other side.

  • Traumatic experiences are an unfortunate part of life. However, continuing to live with trauma does not have to be part of your life. Recovery from trauma can also be possible through somatic trauma work, and a sense of safety and freedom can be rediscovered.

  • Being creative can feel like being in the flow of life. However, artistic blocks and our own inner critic can stop us from tapping into this flow. As a former DJ, music producer, and martial artist, I can relate to the joys and frustrations of the artistic process, and I can provide a space to explore the blocks and rediscover the joy of creating.

  • Being a leader can be an empowering and rewarding experience. It can also be challenging, thankless, and burdensome. As an MBA graduate and former manager, I can understand the unique challenges of leadership, and I can provide a space to explore these issues.

Schedule a free consultation.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!